Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I am so in love with this little girl. She makes us laugh constantly, she has so much personality. I love her smile, her laugh, her drama (she can be quite naughty), her singing, her snuggles, her feet, and all that makes her Josie. I love all that comes with being her mommy. I could never imagine our lives without her. I love how she has everybody around her wrapped around her little finger, especially daddy. He is so sweet with her, I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband. Now if she would quit growing so fast!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Birthday Girl

So my baby girl turned 2! Seriously, where has the time gone? She wont even let me call her baby anymore, everytime I do she says "I not a baby". Yes yes, she is not a baby anymore she is quite the big girl these days. She has been lovin' Tinkerbelle lately, so we had a little Tink themed get together at our new house to celebrate. We live pretty far out of town from our family so Josie thought it was a real treat to have everybody over at "Josies House". We had a good time and she got spoiled rotten as usual.

After the Party we let Josie play with one of her favorite presents "play makeup". Daddy helped Josie put it on which was quite interesting, to say the least. She is obsessed with makeup. Every time she sees me putting mine on she asks "mommy, you share with me?" and how could I say no to that
cute little face.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


This new year starts with a new me. I feel like I have let myself go (sad but true). Im sure a lot of moms would agree that once you have a child its not about you anymore.. it doesnt have to be that way, but for me lately it has and Im done with it. I want to feel cute and put together again. I want to be comfortable with who I am and stop comparing myself to others. I am going to meet my weight goal and I'm going to take time for myself. No more unpainted toes, hairy legs, pajamas and messy hair. I know that me being truely happy and comfortable with who I am will make me a much better Wife and Mother. They deserve the best, dont you think?

We started the year off right with some family time. We took Josie to her first movie, she is really into the princesses right now so we knew she would love The Princess and the Frog. I was so nervous with how she would do. She completely surprised me she sat so still with her eyes glued to the screen (im sure the popcorn and soda helped). She is such a big girl now, I cant believe my little baby is 2. She just had her birthday a couple weeks ago and Im really struggling with it. But anyways the movie was soo cute and highly recomended!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of 2010! With a new year comes new goals. These past few years have flew by so fast and I want to make sure that my family remembers our history. So this is why I have decided to start our family blog. I have heard that you can turn your blog into a Journal, so I plan to do so. I have really been slacking in the journaling department, and am now suffering from the guilt. I want us to remember all of our fun everyday events. We have been so blessed we have a loving family, our own home, and our Little sunshine, Josie, who brings so much joy into our lives. Hopefully I can catch onto this blogging thing quickly and stick to it.