Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Newest Addition

Gage Diesel Hawley
8lbs 7 oz
July 6th, 2010
and sooooo precious.

This picture just melts me..
I am a big sister for the 6th time!
This was an extra special experience for me, I was lucky enough to see this little one being born. It was one of the neatest things ever.
My Mom, Evan and Gage

Ryan and the Baby

We didn't think that Josie would be too interested in the baby, but we were definately wrong.
She wanted to hold him, was soo sweet and gentle and very concerned everytime he would make a noise or cry. She will be a great big sister one day.

I'm so happy to have this little guy join our family!


We had an great weekend including date with Bre to see Eclipse (AMAZING), took J to see Toy Story 3, Swimming, Grandma Kims for dinner and Chuckie Cheese.
Can't beat it..
My Mother, the selfless woman she is, decided to spend her last day of having just 3 little kids at home (she was getting induced the next day) to go and have some fun at Chuckie Cheese.
So of course we tagged along..

Josie with her New Best Friend.

The Kiddos

Evan being super cool with his new glasses

Daners right before he knew what was going to hit him...

He's not the Baby anymore.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!
Proud to be an American.
I'm so grateful to have been born in this country, and I thank all of those who have made our freedom possible.
I have never seen Red, White and Blue look so cute!
Auntie Bre took these pictures of J, She did such a good job.
Thanks Bre!