Monday, November 1, 2010


This little Pirate makes Halloween so much fun.
I love that she came up with the idea to be a pirate all on her own.
She wanted to be scary!

Couldn't be cuter!

Josie with Grandma Gina and Aunt Tori

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pizza Night

Daddy stayed home from school on Monday night, So we made it a family night. I love having my husband home in the evenings. I am in the count down 4-5 more months until he is home every night :)We made it a special occasion with our first attempt at home made pizza. Josie had so much fun helping.
It was a success.
We had lots of snuggles, popcorn and one of Josies new favorite movies Coraline. (Brandon doesnt care for the movie, I think its cute.. creepy.. but cute)
We will definately be making pizza again but next time we will split up the dough and make a few little ones so J can get creative.

I love my Babies!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Much needed time away.
We went to Christopher Creek last weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather and fun with friends. It was perfect.
Really short but perfect.
My favorite little girl enjoying the swing

She was so excited to go to the "forest"
She especially loved throwing rocks into the creek
One of Josies Best Friends, Dylan

Our awesome friends Steph, Jake and baby Dylan

Daddy helping Josie in the Creek

My Hot Husband, He loves taking pictures ;)

Cuter than Cute

Highlights were Lots & Lots of Junk food, Jake shooting a squirrel and "processing" it, Mario Party, and Josie getting stung by a bee :(

Monday, September 13, 2010

DBacks Game

My Dad took Jake, Brooklyn and I to the Dbacks game and hard Rock Cafe a little while back.
We all had a really good time.
A lot of Laughs.
I feel really Lucky to have such a big family.

I missed Blogging about both of our birthdays (brandon & I).
Brandon turned 24 on the 4th of August and I turned 23 on the 13th.
We celebrated Brandons birthday with a date to Red Lobster and mine at The Melting Pot.
It was our first time going to The Melting Pot so it was fun going somewhere new.

Josie and Her Friends

Miss Sassy Pants has lots of friends.
Here are some of her favorites
She loves her elmo and marie so much.
and also the magnadoodle.
I love watching and listening to her play she has such a cute imagination.
I recently got her a little tea set and she is OBSESSED with having parties, I need to post some pics.

Take me to the Beach

I am a Blog slacker.
Here is my attempt to catch back up..
The last week in July we went to Mission Beach with my Family, Mike and Bre.
We had so much fun, I really can't wait to go back.
The beach was freezing we wore our sweaters the whole time, but still somehow managed to fried.
Some fun pictures.

I have to wrestle with J in order to get a pic with her and this is how they turn out.

Finding sand crabs and building sand castles was the highlight for Josie.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Newest Addition

Gage Diesel Hawley
8lbs 7 oz
July 6th, 2010
and sooooo precious.

This picture just melts me..
I am a big sister for the 6th time!
This was an extra special experience for me, I was lucky enough to see this little one being born. It was one of the neatest things ever.
My Mom, Evan and Gage

Ryan and the Baby

We didn't think that Josie would be too interested in the baby, but we were definately wrong.
She wanted to hold him, was soo sweet and gentle and very concerned everytime he would make a noise or cry. She will be a great big sister one day.

I'm so happy to have this little guy join our family!


We had an great weekend including date with Bre to see Eclipse (AMAZING), took J to see Toy Story 3, Swimming, Grandma Kims for dinner and Chuckie Cheese.
Can't beat it..
My Mother, the selfless woman she is, decided to spend her last day of having just 3 little kids at home (she was getting induced the next day) to go and have some fun at Chuckie Cheese.
So of course we tagged along..

Josie with her New Best Friend.

The Kiddos

Evan being super cool with his new glasses

Daners right before he knew what was going to hit him...

He's not the Baby anymore.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!
Proud to be an American.
I'm so grateful to have been born in this country, and I thank all of those who have made our freedom possible.
I have never seen Red, White and Blue look so cute!
Auntie Bre took these pictures of J, She did such a good job.
Thanks Bre!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


On June 22nd, 3 years ago, I made the best/most important decision of my life, and that was to marry this handsome fella. I literally could not live without him. I love him more than anything and the best part is our love just gets stronger and stronger. He is everything I could have hoped to have in a husband and more. Even though I drive him crazy quite often he is always so sweet and patient with me. He always makes me feel like a million bucks, I could be looking my worst and feeling like crap and he is right there next to me telling me how beautiful I am. And not to mention the BEST Dad ever.
Thanks baby for making me the happiest girl.
I'm so lucky..
And the fact that you're a sexy beast is a bonus!

3 years down and forever to go..

Thursday, June 10, 2010


We LOVE summer!
Is there anything better than spending the day in the pool?!
I cant get enough..
We don't have a pool of our own, but lucky for us we have easy access to 2.
Now if only I could take the summer off of work and have a summer vacation like the good ole days.
Lookin' good in goggles.
Brett chillin'


Josie is still wearing her swimsuits from last year, I'm so proud of myself for not buying her one yet this year. Anybody who knows me knows that this is basically a miracle. Last year Josie ended up with like 8, it was quite ridiculous.

The Hubs getting attacked by the munchkins. It was pretty halarious listening to Josie freak out while this was happening. She was so worried that they were hurting her Daddy.
Such a Daddys girl.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Here is how I found my little sugar bug, completely passed out for nap time with candy in hand.
She has such a sweet tooth, We can basically get her to do anything if we give her a piece of gum or candy..
Isn't she precious?

We finally got Josies big girl bed painted, So we will be putting her room together this weekend.
So excited..
Maybe I'll post pics.

Friday Night Fun

Friday night Josie and I were lucky enough to hang out with one of our most favorite friends, Bre. With Brandon at school and Mike working nights, our friday nights often consist of us three going to San Tan Mall, hitting up Gymboree and watching Josie play. We love Bre so much! I'm so thankful to have her as one of my best friends.. I'm serious.. She rocks! I'm pretty sure Josie loves her as much as she loves me...
How could I blame her? She has spoiled J since day 1.
The Lovely Lady and I..

Of course we had to bring Elmo along, Josie Pat can't go anywhere with out him.

Its not a date night without desert so a DQ stop was a must..
Perfect night.
We looked down and realize that we were surrounded by roaches!
There were like 10 of them in the planter on the bench..
completely disturbing.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vacation Part 2

For the second part of our FAB vacation. We went to SeaWorld. I was soo excited to go, the last time we went to Seaworld I was 8 months preggo. So I couldn't wait to go back and take little J with us. The weather was supposed to be perfect, which it was while the wind was blowing but whenever it stopped we were roasting. Brandon and Regina got completely fried.. And it doesn't help that none of the show stadiums offer even a little bit of shade. Josie Pat isn't much of an animal person but I thought for sure would love the shows.. I was wrong on that one. I think she is still too little she couldn't focus and all. But they did have the coolest Elmo 3D show, playground and area where you could meet and take pictures with Elmo and his friends. She LOVED it! It was soo cute how excited she was to see Elmo and Abby. That definately made the trip for her, it was soo much fun. I cant wait for us to go back!

3D Elmo show!

The cutest picture EVER! It was so sweet to see Josie so happy.

Grandpa bought her this Elmo.. She is completely OBSESSED with it!

Mamma Bear and Baby Bear

Her face in this pic cracks me up.

Shamoo Rocks show. This was the night show so the pic is kinda dark.

Sea Lions. J wanted to jump in and go swimming, she was heartbroken when I told her no.

We had such a great time and are so grateful to Dad and Regina for taking us on such an awesome trip!