Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Much needed time away.
We went to Christopher Creek last weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather and fun with friends. It was perfect.
Really short but perfect.
My favorite little girl enjoying the swing

She was so excited to go to the "forest"
She especially loved throwing rocks into the creek
One of Josies Best Friends, Dylan

Our awesome friends Steph, Jake and baby Dylan

Daddy helping Josie in the Creek

My Hot Husband, He loves taking pictures ;)

Cuter than Cute

Highlights were Lots & Lots of Junk food, Jake shooting a squirrel and "processing" it, Mario Party, and Josie getting stung by a bee :(


  1. It looks like you guys had so much fun! Poor Josie, I've gotten stung by a bee before and it's no fun! PS- Dylan looks just like Stephanie!

  2. Fun Fun Fun!!! I dident know she got stung. I bet that was drama! HAHA Cute pictures.

  3. mom you should know J better, she doesnt cry for pain she only cries to get what she wants!
